VEF Blog

Titre du blog : hayiry vo wa ja ! bienvenue !
Auteur : goulamsk
Date de création : 31-08-2008
posté le 31-08-2008 à 23:47:53


Born in Mayotte (a French island of the Indian Ocean), Goulam comes from a family of Malagasy musicians. Thought music from a young age Goulam was inspired by the folk music of Mayotte like M’rengue, M’godro and Salegue, which are all traditional music born from the heart and soul of the country’s people.

" ...Le groupe Black Muffin sonne encore comme un écho sur mon chemin...".

The group Black Muffin were the first to realize Goulam’s talent, with them he played to a wide audience across Mayotte and the group took part in many musical formations of the Indian Ocean area. In 1999 he went to France to finish his studies taking with him the musical influence his island had given him: traditional Mahorais music, reggae and the mystical African melodies. Today Goulam is part of the Parisian scene playing his repertoire to people from across the World. It doesn’t matter whether the words are Malagasy, Mahorais, English or French, Goulam’s voice sings of the history and culture of the country which has had so much influence on him.

"TRAWA TRAWA DZAHO! Là où il y aura un bloc de pierre qui me permettra d'être debout je serai chez moi"